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Gost of the Night


Sitting on a hill by moonlight
Crying with the wolves at midnight
Big black shadows all around
Far away a scary screaming sound
The black shadows are everywhere
The sounds of the night, like a rock and roll nightmare
Would be a good place for you to live
Cause you haven't anything else to give
Then a black shadow in somebody's life
Just like the ghost of the night

Ghost of the night
A scary black shadow who's flying around
Making a terrible screaming sound
Ghost of the night, please go away
And let me live my life without fear

You destroy everything around you
Blame others for the things you do
People who care about you
You're playing a game with, just for some joy
Come an take a sit on this hill by moonlight
Cry with the wolves at midnight
See the black shadows all around
Listen to the scary screaming sound
Think about your life
And don't get a ghost of the night 


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